Education For Poor Child.

Become A Partner

You may help Bal Vikas Samiti (BVS) forge partnerships with local brands and businesses who can help us raise awareness as well as CSR funds through collaboration activities.

Partnership With NGOs Bal Vikas Samiti (BVS) collaborates with renowned NGOs that have remarkable expertise in administering projects related to healthcare, Kisan, Child Education, Women empowerment and rural development for the underprivileged.

Financial assistance to deserving NGOs Many NGOs are doing exemplary work in their field of expertise in helping the underprivileged sections of the society. In order to encourage such deserving NGOs, the Foundation is providing them with liberal financial assistance.

Assisting projects of NGOs for healthcare, education, women empowerment, and rural development Projects/schemes are invited from the NGOs on various activities Bal Vikas Samiti (BVS) for partnering under Healthcare, Child Education, Women, Youth and Kisan Empowerment and Rural Development. Such projects may be for a fixed period not extending three years which can be extended depending upon the outcomes and the need for the continuation of the project. The project should clearly define the objectives, expected outcomes (in periodically measureable terms), activities involved, the manpower required, recurring and onetime expenses needed.

The NGO seeking financial assistance from the Foundation will have to ‘Register’ itself on the Bal Vikas Samiti (BVS) website.

You may helping hand for betterment of rural India you become a part of our WKYC a Rural Development Mission as channel partner and believe us your one decision with us make Difference Your identify in the society and will prove a better platform for your Vision and Mission after 500/- Contribution with complete following application form.......